Baytown Rotary changes the guard
By Carol Skewes, June 25, 2023
Rotary District 5890 Governor Nominee Dr. Tom Kelchner welcomed Governor Elect Nancy Anderson to install new officers and directors of the Baytown Rotary Club at Monument Inn June 22.
Outgoing Club President Marc Pinney presented Terry Sain the Rotarian of the Year award as the final act of his service year leading the club.
“I want to recognize an exceptional individual who has embodied true spirit of service and selflessness throughout the year. The Rotarian of the Year award is reserved for those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make a significant impact in their community and exhibit unwavering commitment to the ideals of Rotary,” said Pinney.
Anderson thanked Pinney for his service as club president and detailed that he will still serve in a leadership role as “immediate past president” to share his knowledge and experiences.
Before installing incoming Club President Jared Fulleylove, she installed Club Treasurer Debbie Busch, Club Secretary Daryl Fontenot and Club Sergeant at Arms Jim Ferris, who is tasked with keeping the club in proper order (a big challenge of which Ferris always meets with humor and a big smile).
Officers and Directors installed are:
Club President Jared Fulleylove
President Nominee Ledell Johnson
Secretary Daryl Fontenot
Treasurer Debbie Busch
President Elect Paula Torres
Immediate Past President Marc Pinney
David Smith – Assistant Secretary
Steve Quillen – Service
Aaron Stryk – Club Administration
Carol Skewes – Public Image
Dr. Shannon Ramirez – New Generations
Paul Wankowicz – Rotary Foundation, and
Derek Elkins – Membership.
“Your officers and directors are now installed. Go ‘Imagine Rotary’ and continue creating hope in this world,” said Anderson.
Pinney bequeathed his “sacred club laptop” to incoming Club President Fulleylove to officially hand over his leadership duties to the new president.
Fulleylove thanked Pinney for his service and reminded the club that Pinney did his service while also being a single father of three young children. “What you have done as a single dad is mind-blowing,” said Fulleylove, as he presented Pinney with an appreciation award.
“I am excited to have the honor to lead the club. Being a Rotarian is so much bigger than any one of us. To see us come together through Rotary is something I can put my whole heart into. Rotary has been very kind to my family in a lot of ways. … Rotary showed up in a big way when we had a fire at our home. That’s what Rotary can do.
“Each and every one of you have become an important part of my life. It’s been an awesome journey so far,” said Fulleylove.
Fulleylove engaged two of his three children to help with the ceremony. Myla Fulleylove introduced the Club’s Rotary banner with the new Rotary International theme: “Create hope in the world,” and Mason Fulleylove rang the bell to officially close the meeting.
The Baytown Rotary Club meets each Wednesday at noon at the Baytown Community Center.
Rotarians connect a diverse group of professionals who share a drive to give back. Each year, the club holds one fundraiser, the Rotary Shrimp & Catfish Festival. Proceeds from this annual fundraiser help the club give back to many local charities all year. Five avenues of service through Rotary are: Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, Youth Service and International Service. The high school version of Rotary is Interact. The college version of Rotary is Rotaract.
The Baytown Rotary Club accepts new members by invitation. If you are interested in learning more about the club, visit www.baytownrotary.org.
“Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels,” www.rotary.org.
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